Deaconesses…The “Hot Topic” Discussion Continues…

Our Study Group is still entangled in discussions regarding this issue and we have been looking at Tenth Presbyterian’s documents (which are now front and center on front page of their website) which are downloadable for your persusal and discussion.

Tenth Presbyterian (PCA):  “To be clear, we do not believe that women should be ordained to the office of elder, believing as we do that this practice is contrary to Scripture.  Indeed, our views on this subject were one of our primary reasons for voting as a congregation in 1980 to leave our former denomination.   Nor do we ordain women as deacons.  Although this was our former practice, since joining the PCA in 1982 we have sought to honor the teaching of Scripture and our adoption of the Book of Church Order by ordaining men only as deacons—a useful and dignified office.  At the same time, we have appointed gifted women to assist the deacons in their ministry…”

Excerpt from Congregational By-Laws of Tenth Presbyterian Church
14. There shall be up to eighteen deaconesses divided into three equal classes, one class of whom shall be elected each year at the December stated meeting for a three year term. No deaconess shall serve on the Board of Deaconesses for consecutive terms, either full or partial, aggregating more than six years, but shall be ineligible to be elected to a new term until one year shall have elapsed. The Board of Deaconesses shall assist the Board of Deacons in carrying out its ministry, particularly in areas where it is more appropriate for women than men to serve, and shall be subject to oversight by the Board of Deacons.

Tenth’s Documentation:

Duncan’s Case For Present Policy on Female Deaconesses

Keller’s Case For Commissioning (Not Ordaining) Female Deaconesses

Tenth’s (Boice)  Leadership and Service Opportunities for Women

What About Deaconesses

* * *

Theology Girl is convinced by Scripture that women cannot “rule” over men in the church in any capacity but be submissive to their authority.    This subject demands much study under the clear light of Scripture and biblical theology.  It makes a very “lively discussion” but one, like many controversial subjects, that we need to discuss, study and digest.  It is unacceptable for us to “hide our heads in the sand” and think it does not affect us nor our own applied theology.  If you are a woman, it does.  Read these documents, God’s Word, and any other good literature on this subject, pray, use wise discernment and be convinced in your heart and mind by the Spirit of Christ.   This subject is here not to persuade you one way or the other but rather to educate you more fully. 

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.”  I Timothy 2:12

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers  or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure,working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”  Titus 2:3-5

Thoughts on this?  Blog Away….

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